Student Affairs departments are open for full or partial in-person services this fall. Please check the Student Affairs homepage for hours, service offerings, and contact methods. For the latest campus reopening plans, safety guidelines, and requirements, visit Campus Return.

Office of Finance 

     Brandon Huang
     Vice President of Finance 2023-2024
     Office Location: HUB 202
     Instragram: @asucrfinance 



Welcome to Student Organization Funding!


*Please note March 28th, 2024 will be the final day to submit reimbursement or POs for any apparel through general allocations.
*Requisitions for Student Orgs are due no later than June 7th, 2024 at 5 pm.



All new allocations need to be approved by the Finance Committee and ratified by the Senate during Senate Meetings on Thursdays at 7pm.

Account Activation:
Every Registered Student Organization (RSO) must activate their ASUCR account every academic year (Oct-June). Accounts must be activated for new RSOs and reactivated for returning RSOs each year. Accounts may be activated starting Monday, October 2, 2023 and onwards and will expire June 7th, 2024. Student organizations will request funding along with the account activation. Student organizations will now be allocated funding automatically as part of the account activation process! New RSOs will start with a $1000.00 allocation. 
ASUCR does not endorse collaborations among organizations, as this could be perceived as double dipping.
*Access to rollover/income funds will not be available until the account has been activated. 

Here are the funding steps!

Account Activation Powerpoint


Authorized Signers Test

  • Take the Authorized Signers Test - be sure to enter your first and last name when you log in. Signers must pass with an 80%. You may take the test as many times as needed to pass with 80% or higher. 
  • A minimum of 2 and a maximum of 3 members must complete the test. (Members usually consist of the President, the VP, and/or the Treasurer. All signers must be current full-time undergraduate students, which means they must be enrolled in at least 12 units and can not be waitlisted for any classes below the 12 units. These individuals are known as the Authorized Signers.)

Authorization Signers & Allocation Form

  • Once all Authorized Signers (2-3) for an organization have completed the test, reaching the requirements in the previous box, print, complete the Authorized Signers Form and submit to the ASUCR front desk.
  • You can find your allocation and account number here. (Allocations are based on the last allocated amount).
  • There is no longer a need to create a budget!
  • Authorized Signers form must be submitted at least two business days prior to a finance hearing.  Failure to do so will require you to sign up for another hearing.

Finance Hearings

  • Call ASUCR Front Office at (951) 827-3621 or visit the office at HUB 202 to schedule a finance hearing and fill out the corresponding google form below. 
  • Finance hearings this quarter will be on Wednesdays from 2-3pm.

Finance FAQs

  • How do T-Shirts work?
    • ASUCR now funds T-shirts, polos, jackets, quarter zip ups, etc. (all apparel)
    • T-shirts will only be reimbursed if purchased between Fall and Winter quarter; not Spring quarter.
    • We require a 2" x 2" sized ASUCR logo anywhere on the T-shirt. 
    • Once ordered and received, submit a requisition with a detailed receipt and proof of payment.
    • As of Fall 2023, there is no longer a limit per item. 
  • What is the process to hire professional speakers?
    • ASUCR limits professional speaking/services fees to $550 a year for both organization general funding and grants.
    • ASUCR requires a W-9 Form (Federal Tax ID Number). Must be a professional and not be affiliated with the University of California, Riverside.
    • Professionals must provide an invoice and your organization will attach the invoice, W-9 to the requisition form and physically submit to ASUCR for approval.
    • Please ensure the professional speaker is set up on the banking platform Zelle.
    • Submit a requisition form and ASUCR will pay your professional speaker directly. 
  • What is the difference between equipment rental and equipment purchase?
    • There is no limit when it comes to equipment rental.
    • There is a new limit of $300 for equipment purchases!
  • What is generally funded for meeting expenses?
    • Generally, organizations use their meeting expenses line item on food purchases for club meetings. Food must be ordered from pre-approved vendors. You can find the list of pre-approved vendors here.
    • Organizations are able to be reimbursed for some food bought from a grocery store. If you have any questions or concerns as to what is accepted please email
    • There is a $15 limit per person, per meeting.
  • What documents are required in order to be reimbursed for meeting expenses?
    • The organization must keep the original itemized receipt from the purchase. This will need to be attached to the requisition form. 
    • ASUCR also requires a list of members that attended the meeting. Please keep a record of those in attendance by having a sign up sheet with members names and SID numbers. 
  • How long does it take for requisitions to be processed and approved?
    • Expect your requisition to be approved and transferred into your bank account via Zelle or PayPal within 10 business days
  • Does ASUCR fund gifts?
    • No. Gifts such as graduation cords and stoles are not allowed
  • What are rollover funds?
    •  If the organization has an outside bank account, it can request for the rollover funds to be withdrawn and deposited into the outside bank account.
    • These are funds that were once deposited by the organization via fundraisers, club dues, donations, etc. This is separate from allocated funds. If rollover funds are not spent by this year and they are not transferred out to the organization's outside bank account, then the organization will lose said funds.
  • How can I get reimbursed?

    • Requisitions are back to physical forms.  You may pick up requisitions in the ASUCR front office lobby Monday - Friday from 8 am - 5 pm.  Online requisitions are no longer accepted.
    • If you have several receipts for one person, you do not need a requisition for each receipt.
    • Please tape all loose receipts to a piece of paper.
    • Every item on the receipt does not need to be itemized on the requisition.  
    • All reimbursements will be made via Zelle or PayPal. Please register with Zelle prior to submitting your requisition.
    • Proof of payment is required on every receipt submitted for reimbursement.
    • Receipts will not be accepted after 30 days from the purchase date.
    • Example: If you have receipts from Walmart, Target, and Domino's, please list each store as individual line items with a brief description and the total of each receipt. In the explanation box, that is where you'll be more descriptive of what the items were for. Please be as detailed as possible to avoid delays in your reimbursement.
  • What does ASUCR fund?


Direct Deposit Form

Account Balance Report

Please email for any org related questions.